Bad News, Good News

The Bad News is that 2/3 of Congress is Not on Our Side, the Good News is We’re still Technically Their Bosses I am so unbelievably disappointed in America right now. So very disappointed in the people who are supposedly looking out for our best interests. It is becoming clearer by the minute that around … Read more

On Skepticism

My upcoming book, Redeeming Christianity, (soon to be published by Bilbo Books) contains these quotes on skepticism by Paramahansa Yogananda. Useful principles for thinking… “There are two kinds of doubt: destructive and constructive. Destructive doubt is habitual skepticism. Men who cultivate that attitude disbelieve blindly; they shun the work of impartial investigation. Skepticism is a … Read more

Eclipse Madness: Going Sane

The digital world is so alluring. It can leave us breathless, invoke love and even bring us to ourselves when it moves us to tears. But still it is not real when our emotions tell us it is real. We feel it is interacting with us. Our emotions tell us it is. But it is … Read more

You Sweet, Sweet, Evil Child Corruption Factories

It all comes back to the movie, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The first one, anyway. The new Timothy Chalamet one is just bad, and the tone of the Johnny Depp remake may have been closer to the original book, but it sucks next to the classic Gene Wilder 1980’s one. And that’s the problem. … Read more

Locked Into the Misinformation Prison

I am an anti-Trump Democrat but very early in the pandemic I became extremely alarmed about the vaccine. I have a background in science and what I was frantically reading every day, 9 hours a day, did not look good at all. I was in a group of scientists, doctors and an actuary which read … Read more

Ring Leader

As the election is fast approaching and the countless media reports and conversations from others sharing their opinions on who should be elected, I can’t help but reflect on how history has shown that humanity has always needed a leader to look to for guidance and direction. Whether it be for a community, religious, or … Read more

Why Is Trump So Beloved by His Evangelical Followers?

I can’t figure it out. These are supposedly Christian people who believe, like Jesus, in loving your neighbor, believe in the moral code reinforced by Jesus (thou shalt not commit adultery; thou shalt not kill, turn the other cheek). Adultery is the least of Trump’s sexual sins and when he said “I could murder someone … Read more

A Win-Win Scenario for Future Wars

I read one of those One Hundred Years Ago prediction articles earlier today. They’re fun to check out, if only for the “Dear God, we were so wrong. Why do we ever listen to predictions?” aspect of them. One of the predictions from 1924 was that in 2024 there would be no war. Humanity will … Read more

America Has Totally Lost the Moral High Ground

Enjoy our empire in decline…it’s generally the fun part. Assuming we ever actually had the moral high ground, it’s now gone. And I say, “good riddance.” It’s a position that blinds you to reality, confuses honest diplomacy, and allows smugness to reign supreme. Nobody likes deluded arrogance, and that’s basically been our default position. I’m … Read more