The New Vaccine Religion

Update: It’s been 4 years since my intellectual group began noticing something wrong with the vaccine. This presentation perfectly captures the science behind why this vaccine can be so dangerous: why the deadly and/or disabling effects may take a year to show, why the sudden death, the neurological impairment, heart issues even in the young, … Read more

New Religion

There is a new religion in America. Its roots are in Christian fundamentalism. Instead of being led by pastors of churches, the congregations are led by a politician with no religious training. This new religion’s followers want the Bible to be part of the public school curriculum. They want the Ten Commandments to be displayed … Read more

Who Decides What Exposure Is Indecent?

Of all the dumbass laws out there, Indecent Exposure has got to be one of the dumbest. It’s against the law to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole in the state of Georgia (for real), but was this ever actually an issue? Was there an era, long forgotten to history, where people couldn’t get … Read more


Fascists dislike anything out of the ordinary and unconventional (Adorno, et al 1950). We got wind of this when “Christians” objected to the opening art performance of the Olympics where a blue figure appeared at a long table. The performers were odd and weird and there was public outrage that this scene was making fun … Read more

Celebration of Life Funerals

My doctor gave me an absurd “living will” to sign that said “I want people to be cheery around me and, essentially, put on a happy face when I am dying.” WHAT? Don’t they care that they are losing me? Do we have to have a happy death followed by a celebration of life funeral … Read more

How I Feel This Holiday Season

I am in a profound state of grief. I find no comfort in Christmas sentiments. As one soldier fighting in Vietnam in December said in a moment of rage and despair, “Merry fucking Christmas.” Don’t give me your greetings of Merry Christmas. I am grieving for Rachel because she and her future children are no … Read more

The Real Reason Why Families Don’t Stick Together Like They Used To

It’s simple. It’s the mother of invention. It’s necessity, or, to be exact, the lack of necessity. Before the Industrial Revolution, the world’s slowest, most influential and most damaging revolution, manly men and their womanly wives had to plan their marital relations to coincide with certain moments in the menstrual cycle. They did this because … Read more