Ever since this website began, we felt a strong reluctance to open up posts to commenters. Let’s just say we’ve seen situations where commentability didn’t work out so well. While there are many people who post very thoughtful and intelligent comments, some websites seem to be magnets for commenters who have a loose association with reality.
So we did what any responsible website proprietor would do — we said, “Oh, what the heck. Let’s just open it up for comments and see what crawls in.” Now for the first time in the history of Heretic Picayune, we invite comments from one and all. In this age of uncertainty, there may never be a better time to share with us what’s on your mind.
what is this nonsense? i’ve seen more intelligent social commentary on reality shows. who writes this crap?
You suck, troll12, you reactionary asshat. These geniuses have created a space for ideas that you can’t find on the mainstream outlets. They are brilliant visionaries who simply want to push the intellectual boundaries of our social discourse. I love it so much I want to have Bowen Craig’s babies and I’ve been a practicing nun since 1986.
the anti-hospital article inspired me to make my own splint when i broke my leg snowboarding down the rim of a live volcano. guess what? it worked. sure, my left leg is now three inches taller than my right, but my new limp makes me look like the 70’s pimp i’ve always wanted to be.
where’s the article about Chuck E. Cheese indoctrination? i won’t come to this site again until someone uncovers the horrific truth about how Chucky Cheeze robots’ voices secretly whisper communist propaganda on a dog-whistle frequency adults’ ears are too old to hear. My six-yr-old now wears a grey Mao Tse Tung jumpsuit to first-grade because his cousin had a birthday party at Chuck-E-China.
Thank you, Dr. Alice Rose for being one of the few voices for Primal Therapy left in the world. I feel bad for you that you have to share this space with that Bowen moron who writes those anti-ferret rants. Does he live in a cave throwing feces at people? He seems like he’s a feces-tossing cave-dweller, but you’re amazing. I’ve been primalling for three decades and no one else gets how much it helps. Bless you, Dr. Rose.
Are you a male over the age of 55? Have you noticed your testosterone levels dropping recently? Has your sex life sagged and gone flaccid? Well, now you’re in luck. Bobby’s Boner Pills are made from Amazonian tree bark, chameleon intestines, flax seeds, a dash of plutonium, and free-range chicken beaks. This revolutionary formula will keep you standing at attention for 6-8 hours, guaranteed.
do these “writers” even realize how dum they are? i’ve seen better philosophy scrawled on men’s room stalls. while i’m on the subject, where can i get some of those boner pills?
email me at indonesianscammerscollective@yahoo.net
FU hard, troll12. How is it possible not to recognize Bowen Craig’s undeniable genius? With every delicious word of his I devour, I grow more and more into the stalker he so clearly craves. If anyone knows which bush outside his house has the best vantage point for my binoculars, post it here.
Second bush to the right of the mailbox, peppermintpattyfetishist7. You get a 45 degree angle up into his bedroom. He’s a bit of an exhibitionist, or so I hear. So, feel free to ring the doorbell before you claim your bush.
has no one else but me noticed the connection between motorized scooters on college campuses and the rise of the transgender agenda? it’s so obvious. obama and rosie odonnell want to turn us all into androgynous automatons and replace all singular pronouns with they and them. the evil rhythm of the scooters shuts down the gender norm processing center of the brain and turns millennials’ brains into china-loving socialist genitalia-haters. what’s next? girls playing football? boxing matches where they share their feelings in round 6? boy scout cross-dressing merit badges? where does it end?
to alexjonesdisciple, I think your philosophy is a bit all over the place. I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say, or are you just spewing random venom at the wall and seeing what sticks?
yeah, pretty much. how’d you know?
Are you a male over the age of 55? Have you noticed your testosterone levels dropping recently? Has your sex life sagged and gone flaccid? Well, now you’re in luck. Bobby’s Boner Pills are made from Amazonian tree bark, chameleon intestines, flax seeds, a dash of plutonium, and free-range chicken beaks. This revolutionary formula will keep you standing at attention for 6-8 hours, guaranteed.
dear Bob’s Boner Pills, please stop posting here. Not that I know Bowen Craig or Dr. Alice Rose or anyone associated with this brilliant website, but if I did, I’d tell them to block you from posting here… and ask that you send me, I mean Bowen, a bottle of your product, just for experimentation. I don’t need them, I mean Bowen doesn’t need them, but I’m curious, damn it, I mean Bowen is curious.
does anyone else posting here get the feeling this is all made up? is it just me or does something feel a little off about this comment page?