News Flash From Our Populist President To Be: The Uninsured Don’t Have the Right to Health

Who are the uninsured? Poor people. Private insurance can cost $750 a month, easy for a rich guy like Dr. Oz. Or Trump or Musk.

But Trump came in on the populist vote:

“He’s a guy I can have a beer with.” (Sorry you wouldn’t be invited to Mar-a-Lago for a beer).

“He talks foul-mouthed just like me. And he jokes about hating women. That’s refreshing for us white guys being bossed around by educated women.”

According to this, that was a sucker vote. You are so poor you don’t have the right to health. But don’t worry — Oz will pull you out of your disgusting abyss with a circus-like festival where you will be seen by a physician having fun at the festival while you desperately try to describe what might be cancer. In fifteen minutes. “We busy doctors don’t have time for the likes of you.”

And why do so many of you have no insurance while during Obamacare more poor people were insured than at any time in US history? “We Republicans spent oodles of time trashing Obamacare and now we believe our own propaganda. It was because we hate that commie Obama. We had to trash everything he ever did.”

“What you need to happily fix what we just did to you is a festival fun medical event. Was it fun for you?”

“Oh, and by the way, your medicaid will change, your social security and even medicare because we want to reduce the taxes of those poor suffering billionaires, and we have to get the money somewhere. There are SO many of you.”