“Science Based Medicine” is pure propaganda.
One of the topics I am parsing out about the covid narrative has to do with the propaganda machine. When you are manipulating group think, you design slogans and wording that locks in public opinion. Often the words used convey the direct opposite of what is going on.
For example, the Patriot Act after 911 was far from that. It was a locking down of constitutional freedoms couched as something designed to support patriots, to support American values. It attacked our rights concerning search and seizure and used the mechanism of labeling citizens as terrorists, therefore their houses can be entered at will. You can imagine anyone can be deemed a terrorist. Any dissenter.
Early on in the covid epidemic I was shocked at the demand for double blind studies before any treatment could qualify. Highly inappropriate for the situation we were in. These experiments take months to complete. We did not have months. People were dying. The information we needed to rely on was doctor’s reports of what might work. But I literally saw a young scientist laugh at a doctor, sneer at him for not conducting a study. Where was such a study supposed to happen? In his clinic? At the hospital? Absurd. That doctor was saving lives. Way too busy to bow to scientism.
The underlying premise supporting the propaganda is “we have standards and we must stick to them,” something anybody would buy. But the scientism used in the pandemic was not real science. There was an agenda to discredit a highly effective drug – hydroxychloroquine. The experiments were designed in ways that produced failure. Even when Ford Hospital in Detroit did show hydroxychloroquine cut death rates in half, the study was criticized as merely observational. In an emergency situation where people were dying? So the underlying lie was “We are ‘science based’. We seek truth (another cherished value)”. Yeah, as long as it fits our agenda.
One buzz word used with the vax is “perfectly safe.” Why not say “very safe.” “Perfectly” locks in the belief. “Perfect” can’t be questioned. Then, of course, as we are seeing in video after video, ANY report whatsoever about horrendous side effects showing it dangerous, even deadly, is immediately squelched and medical people reporting it are fired.
I sent reports showing sometimes incurable internal bleeding from the vax to a person who had been hospitalized for bleeding shortly after the vax and fortunately recovered. The person responded with a refutation – an opinion – from an organization calling itself “Science Based Medicine.” First of all, was the former medicine NOT science based? Experiments on drugs have always been done, granted in corrupt ways. Secondly, and worse, the “science” is not science. In the new science nothing can be questioned. All dissent is squelched. This has never happened in real science.
Another suspicious term is “misinformation.” This one is tricky and very clever. It engages the ego. No one wants to be misinformed. We are stupid if we are duped by a report. And most certainly we will never again read anything else the author has to say once he is labeled as a spreader of misinformation. There is an implication of diabolical intent on his part. A favorite trick when an agenda is being pushed is something called argumentum ad hominum – attack the messenger and don’t engage the message. Fauci is apparently the master at this. He discredited Dr. Markovitz decades ago, ruining her career and recently smeared epidemiologists opposing his views. They were labeled “fringe.”
Another catch phrase is “follow the science.” Ah, the pride that swells in your chest as you can now call yourself an informed, intellectual citizen. You follow the science while the dolts are left behind wallowing in their ignorance. But what are you following?
A clue can be found in Fauci’s statement, “I am science.”
In the words of Monty Python, “Run away!”